Huge THANKS to CPT Patrick Mackenzie, of Mackenzie On the fly for an amazing day. Most striper fans boast about the " Delta " or Sac River who ever knew there was a Napa River in the first place ?

Well perhaps thinking aloud maybe I should not post this blog, it will for sure ruin the place ! I hope not. Remember fish responsibly, leave the place better than you found it and respect the local residents.

I was a cold and chilly morning at the boat ramp as I was trying to decide weather or not to bring my blanket and just sit and watch my mate fish as I was a bit crook, ( under the weather ) that morning.

Its a lot of work committing to the strip, tossing large fly's on sinking line. The good news was that there was no wind, and we had a clean deck to work on. The cast needed was not that far so off we set at 7:30 am

No sooner had I cast two or three cast to the bank than wham ! Fish on.......and by 9  or so we had landed a good 4 fish all over 5 Lbs a few close to the 8 lb mark. I am not a size or numbers guy but these fish were so clean, healthy and strong I forgot all about being crook.

And the day went on to many more " whaoo tight lines and yeehaa "

Trust me Patrick knows his stuff. He has a cool calm temperament and loves what he does.


Patrick Mackenzie

